Garage48 Lviv 2018 Empowering Women Hackathon

When 16-18 March, 2018

Where Lviv, Ukraine

  • Overview
  • Agenda
  • Get Ready
  • A new era is upon us!  The winds of change are altering restrictive barriers and stereotypes for women and ultimately reshaping the face of business and technology as we know it.  
    We at Garage48 have always been strong supporters of this trend and have witnessed and followed quite a few new female leaders being born out of our hackathons. We would like to see it even more often and that’s why we called together this hackathon on Empowering Women!

    On March 16 - 18, 2018 Garage48 is returning to  Lviv to encourage more women to take the entrepreneurial path. 

    Did you know these facts about female entrepreneurs?

    -  Women own just a mere 5 % of all the startups

    - Only 7 % of partners at top 100 venture capital firms are women

    - After peaking in 1991 at 36 %, the rate of women in computing roles has been in steady decline, with a current 25%

    - Women hold only 11 % of executive positions at Silicon Valley companies

    - Women receive lower salary offers than men for the same job at the same company 63 % of the time

    - Women earn only 28 % of all the computer science degrees. At the same time, in  different polls and questionnaires taken, more than 50% of young girls have expressed their  interest in continuing their studies on STEM fields and computer science  

    Looking at the above statistics, it’s obvious that these girls are determined :)

    JOIN Garage48 Lviv Empowering Women Hackathon to empower WOMEN  participating more actively in very men ruled world! Of course, men are also invited to join, but we would like to see at least 50% of the participants to be strong and entrepreneurial women!

    Prepare for 48 hours full of fun, coding, building, designing, selling and thinking BIG! If you’re ready to think outside of the box, meet like-minded people and build something crazy and innovative, this event is for you!

    We expect people of ALL SKILL SETS: engineers, developers, designers, marketers, visionaries - to come together and work on their ideas with a target to have fun while doing it!

    Everybody will get a chance to present their idea on Friday in a 90-sec pitch. Teams are formed on the spot around the best ideas.  48 hours that follow will be filled with vibrant community energy, brainstorming and hard work, all in order to turn the initial idea into a working prototype.   All the teams will be supported by top-notch local and international experts. All the finished prototypes will be presented at the Sunday finale and the best teams will receive rewarding prizes that will support them in developing their ideas even further!

    The event is organized by Garage48 in partnership with the financial support of Estonian Ministry of Foreign Affairs under the Fund for Development and Humanitarian Aid.

    Please join the Facebook event for all the up-to-date news:

    You can also follow us on Twitter HERE.

    Have questions? Contact us at

    Tickets are GOING  like HOTCAKES, get yours NOW!

    Friday, March 16
    • 17:30 - Check-in, networking, coffee, snacks
    • 18:15 - Opening remarks
    • 18:45 - Presentation of ideas
    • 19:45 - Coffee Break
    • 20:00 - Presentation of ideas continues
    • 21:00 - Team formation
    • 22:00 - Team work begins!

    Saturday, March 17
    • 09:00 - Coffee & light breakfast.  Development continues
    • 10:00 - Checkpoint #1
    • 11:00 - Mentors go around
    • 13:00 - Lunch
    • 13:45 - Product development
    • 16:00 - Inspiration Hour
    • 18:00 - Checkpoint #2. Development continues
    • 19:00 - Dinner

    Sunday, March 18
    • 09:00 - Coffee & light breakfast. Development continues
    • 10:00 - Checkpoint #3
    • 11:00 - Pitch drill session #1
    • 13:00 - Lunch
    • 14:00 - Pitch drill session #2
    • 17:00 - Coffee break with light meal/snacks
    • 17:30 - Final event & LIVE stream
    • 20:00 - Winners & networking

    We'll start on Friday, March 16 at 17:30 with opening the doors. Please come on time, as the registration process might take some time. The time before the official opening is a great opportunity to get to know the crowd and to network. See the agenda for further information.


    Positive attitude, open-mind and lots of energy together with everything you need for a rapid product development. Please take your:

    • laptop
    • 3-5m power extension cord (as power might be on distance)
    • mobile phone
    • all chargers

    • photo camera to take and share photos
    • mattress
    • sleeping bag and towel (in case you would like to stay overnight)
    • credit cards for domain registration
    • business cards (if you have any)


    Ideas are presented based on "elevator-pitch" method within 90 seconds. Event host and the audience can ask 1 to 3 short questions. You can prepare 1 (one) PDF slide to support your pitch. You should send the slide by Friday noon 12:00 PM

    (March 16), to (Subject: name of your project).

    Consider following key points:

    • Briefly, describe your idea background (10 sec)
    • What is the name of the idea? (5 sec)
    • What's the idea all about? What is the problem your idea solves? Target user count and description (30 sec)
    • Technical solution and there is a revenue model (in case of non-profit idea, how the maintenance and further development costs will be covered) (30 sec)
    • Minimum viable product and plan for 48 hours. Who do you need in your team? (20 sec)

    NB! Practice your pitch to your friends or family before you present! 90 seconds goes really fast!


    After pitching is over, we will put all the ideas on the wall. Every participant will choose their favourite idea and this is how teams will be formed. Usually, 14 to 20 best ideas will get enough interested people to get the "green light" for the implementation. The average team has about 5 to 7 people and the team should be "balanced" - covering all required roles like necessary engineers, designers, a project manager (team lead/visionary/field expert) and marketer in order to get the product/service ready in 48 hours! The minimum size for a team is 4 people and max is 8 people. If some ideas get too few people or are not balanced (probably unable to build the service), the idea will be dumped. Those people should choose another idea/team.


    After forming the teams, organisers will give a room/space for every team for the weekend. You should start by dividing roles, setting the product vision, customer journey and start working right away. It is very important that you have a project manager (team lead/field expert) on the team - one of his tasks is to keep the focus of the team, one eye on the clock and the other on the team progress. 48 hours is really a short time.


    We provide full catering at the venue. Breakfast, lunch and dinner are served on Saturday and Sunday. There is also snacks/drinks/coffee available, so you can fully focus on your work.


    We have arranged great mentors to work with the teams throughout the weekend. Some of them have great fieldworkexperience, others are more technical. Be open and ask for their advice and contacts. They are there to help you!

    Please wear your name badge during the whole event, this will help to encourage networking. Otherwise be open, get to know new people, share your ideas and give ideas/feedback to other teams.

    MOST IMPORTANT - have fun!


    • Sunday afternoon 14:00 pm is the deadline. Either you have your service ready or not, time will tell.
    • Each team will practice their demo together with mentors and jury members for 10 minutes to make the final adjustments and make a better presentation.
    • We do not allow any Powerpoint presentations for web services - we want a live demo of your product!
    • The final demo event starts at 5:30 PM
    • We will pick teams randomly. Every team gets 3 minutes for product demonstration (+1 minute for questions).
    • We admit, that the development process is the ultimate importance. But we still have a jury, to evaluate the results and choose the top projects.


    Take your sleeping bag & mattress and you'll have a possibility to stay overnight in the venue.

    If you have further questions, please see the Agenda tab above and FAQ below. If you don't find an answer there, then please write us at


    1. What is Garage48 Empowering Women?

    It is an intensive hackathon where people pitch ideas, form teams and build prototypes or sometimes full product/service over the 48 hours.

    2. Who can participate?

    Registration is open to anyone:  teams and individuals. We are looking for Designers (Product, Spatial, Physical stuff), Designer (Graphic, UI, UX), Experts (Ethnographer, Folklorist, Art/Culture Historian, Art/Culture Theorist, Artist), Project Managers, Marketers, Engineers (Mechanical, Tisler, Electronic etc), Front-end Developers, Back-end Developer, Full stack Developers and people who are into culture, heritage and hacking and want to deliver innovative working prototypes in just 48 hours!

    If you register for the hackathon event, then we expect you to be ready to work on the project also after the hackathon is over. The event is meant for working professionals or university students!

    PS. If you come as a team, each team member still has to register individually.

    3. How the communication with the registered participants happen? Do I get an email with the confirmation of my participation? Is there any selection process or whoever gets registered just comes to the event?

    We will send you an e-mail one week before the event asking you to confirm your registration. Then you can count on the participation, get ready and come hack!

    4. I don't have my own team? Can I come?

    Sure, Garage48 is about networking, meeting new people, hacking, building new products/services and finding new friends. After pitching ideas on Friday evening, all participants will choose their favourite idea and form a team on-site. You should carefully review all pitched ideas, talk to the team members, negotiate, brainstorm and finally find the best matching project for yourself. Then join this team and start working on the project.

    5. How to submit and pitch an idea?

    We ask all participants to submit their ideas already when registering but also share your idea to our Facebook event

    before the event. This allows other participants to review their idea, ask questions and possibly to develop the idea further. In the hackathon event, there will be about 30-35 slots for ideas.

    6. How long is the pitch?

    On Friday night there are 90-second pitches for each idea, followed by 2-3 questions from audience/mentors. You can have one slide (PDF) to support your pitch.

    7. How are the ideas selected for the event?

    Afterwards, when ideas are pitched, each participant will choose the idea that s/he wants to work on. Ideas that are able to gather a sufficient team around them will prevail. People who have chosen the ideas that are not able to gather proper team will have to join other teams.

    8. How big is an ideal team?

    In our experience, best teams have between 4 and 7 members. Each team should be self-sufficient by having all the main roles (business and product vision, design, programming, marketing, expertise in the subject of the hackathon) covered. The minimum size for a team is 4 people and max is 8 people.

    9. If I present an idea at the event, can someone steal it?

    Of course :) Hackathon has many participants, including journalists, bloggers and tweeters - your idea will not remain a secret. So, if you think you have a top-secret, patentable, Nobel-prize worthy idea, then don't present it in the hackathon ;). On the other hand, if you have an idea that has been sitting in your head for some time, waiting for right time or right people to be put into practice, then this hackathon is a great place and environment for making it happen!

    10. Are 48 hours enough?

    Yes, and No. 48 hours is more than enough time to take an idea, build a working prototype, alpha or beta service and make it publicly available for users, potential customers. (Unless you are building a nuclear reactor, new drug, a spaceship or something similar, of course). However, to make your prototype, alpha or beta into a viable business, much more work after the event is needed. We encourage (and give preference in selection) to those participants, who show an interest and willingness to continue working on (successful and promising) ideas after the event!

    11. Is it a startup competition to get funding?

    Not really. The main idea of the event is to build a startup community, find new friends and meet people, build something cool in 48 hours. But it's not so much about winning the prize or getting financing. This hackathon is mostly an experience of building a new (working) project in 48 hours, meet and work with new people whom you probably would not meet otherwise.

    12. Can I buy a domain and set up hosting account before the event?

    Yes, you can do various preparations for your project unless you start designing or coding. We encourage you to think of the project name, business model, short-term and long-term plan etc. But it's not allowed to do any coding work on the project before the event.

    13. What happens to the developed products and services after the event?

    The project built during hackathon events owned by the team who built it. So it's up to the teams to decide how do they take it forward. Some ideas are very likely to be developed into successful businesses, others struggle to find a feasible business model and fade away. Organisers are encouraging teams to continue developing the ideas and provide mentorship, but ultimately, the success or failure rests solely with the members of the team.

    14. Is the hackathon a continuous 48-hour marathon or can I sleep during the event, too?

    Sleep is for the weak. (Just kidding). While some teams pulled all-nighters at the last events, most successful teams did take time to get a full 7-8 hour sleep, come back in the morning refreshed and were fully productive during the day. We provide floor space in the venue in case you don't want to go home or to your hotel.

    15. What if I have registered for the hackathon event as a participant but can not come to the event?

    Please notify us by e-mail: ( as soon as possible about such changes. This way we can give your spot to someone else.

    16. What are the criteria for the jury to select winning team?

    The jury gives points between 1 to 10 and evaluates the following: people and team, business potential, product, presentation.

    Award information TBA soon!



    The Mentors 

    Joseph Carson
    Chief Security Scientist at Thycotic
    Triin Preem
    Startup Segment Manager at Swedank Eestis
    Ragnar Sass
    Founder and CEO at Salto Network, Co-founder at Pipedrive, Founder at Lift99
    Helen Kokk
    Design Product Lead
    Aleksandra Varnaeva
    UI/UX Designer at Helpific
    Maido Parv
    Senior Product Designer at Wise
    Andrew Pavliv
    CEO & Founder at N-iX, Serial entrepreneur
    Edmundas Balcikonis
    Entrepreneur In Residence at UNIT.City, Co-Founder at TrackDuck
    Liis Narusk
    Co-Founder / CEO at ELEVATE by Garage48


    Kelli Rimmeld
    Volunteer @Garage48
    Operation Specialist at TransferWise
    Ucha Vekua
    Event Producer, Volunteer Coordinator @Garage48

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