Idea Garage: Path to Development 2.0

When 11 September, 2017

Where Tallinn, Estonia

  • Overview
  • Agenda
  • Idea Garage48: Path to Development 2.0 is a full-day event that encourages everyone to propose solutions and test ideas with the help of mentors from various backgrounds. 

    The aim is to understand the opportunities digitalisation offers, to tackle the challenges it embeds and to bring technological process to the global development.  

    The workshop is intended for everybody who has curiosity and wants to contribute to the future of global development and isn’t afraid to tackle the subject, no matter your background. Civil servants, social sphere specialists, experts, students, practitioners, scientists, entrepreneurs, visionaries as well as developers, engineers, project managers, marketeers are all welcome.

    Our amazing policy makers, civil servants, social sphere, environmental and technical mentors are there to help your ideas develop and get ready to fly.

    Every participant can bring their own problem and the team of tech & dev people will work on it. Let’s dream and discuss solutions in following relevant areas:

    • Global citizenship education - Knowledge is power!
    • Women are the future
    • Smarter actions for climate
    • Healthcare
    • Fighting corruption
    • Migration as a tool for development
    • Digital tools for democracy and coherent society
    • Education is a way out from inequality
    • Agriculture and food security
    • Entrepreneurship in the age of digitalisation
    • Sustainable local authorities - Cities and communities are the key!
    • Systematic change in organizations - how to do better?
    • Is the global youth prepared for the future?

    Every group will prepare a presentation and a small pitch to introduce the outcomes of the work to all participants. The best ideas presented will receive special and amazing awards from the jury.

    This event is organized in co-operation with Estonian Roundtable for Development Cooperation


    Monday, 11th September

    • 09:30-10:00 Morning coffee
    • 10:00-10:10 Introduction, setting the goals for the day (Andres Susi, Garage48)
    • 10:10-10:30 Inspirational talk lead by Edna Soomre (SPIDER)
    • 10:30-10:45 Introduction to the Idea Garage48 format and what to expect
    • 10:45-11:45 Pitching the Ideas
    • 11:45-12:00 Formation of the teams, dividing the mentors between the teams
    • 12:00-13:00 First work session in the teams
    • 13:00-14:00 Lunch
    • 14:00-16:00 Second work session in the teams
    • 16:00-16:30 Coffee & snacks break
    • 16:30-17:30 Presenting the final ideas (in a 90-second pitch format, questions by jury)
    • 17:30 Announcing the winners



    The Mentors 

    Andres Susi
    Tech Entrepreneur
    Kadi Kenk
    Head of Partnerships at Lets Do it World
    Kristiina Kerge
    Product Owner at Lets Do it World
    Eero Janson
    Director at Estonian Refugee Council
    Edna Soomre
    Programme Manager - Health at SPIDER
    Ülane Vilumets
    Founder & Community Manager at Like A Local Guide; founder of Tallinn Traveller Tours
    Riina Kuusik-Rajasaar
    Head of Development Cooperation at Mondo
    Anto Liivat
    Member of Supervisory Board @ Enterprise Estonia
    Helen Kokk
    Design Product Lead
    Karl Aru
    Expansion Manager at Bolt


    Maarika Truu
    Host & mentor at Garage48, Head of partnerships at Single.Earth
    CEO @ Estonian Roundtable for Cooperation Development
    Communications Manager @ Estonian Roundtable for Development Cooperation 

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