Garage48 Mentor's Masterclass Vol 3

When  30 March 2021

Where Online!

  • Overview
  • Agenda
  • The next wave of startups needs great mentors to help them grow. Be one of them!

    Learn how to be a great mentor, improve your abilities in working with your own team and grow your competences in sharing knowledge and expertise.


    Un Program dedicat experților care tind să își îmbunătățească abilitățile în domeniul mentoratului, să contribuie la dezvoltarea competențelor prin schimbul de cunoștințe și experiențe.


    Garage48 is coming back to Chisinau!

    Join us for a day-long training on the 30th of March that will give you the basics on how to be an effective mentor to an early-stage startup team!

    Mentor’s Masterclass is a one-day long training after which you will learn how to become a great mentor to early-stage startups, improve your skills in contributing and working with teams, and grow your competences in sharing your expertise and knowledge. During the masterclass we will focus on the soft skills and basic knowledge of effective mentorship.

    We will cover topics like:

    ⚡️Team Dynamics and team building

    ⚡️How to give and ask for feedback

    ⚡️The role of mentors

    ⚡️Active listening

    ⚡️Case studies of several tools that can help early-stage startups

    ⚡️Validation of ideas workshop


    Sounds impressive, isn’t it? Please join us for a day-long training that will bring your mentorship to the next level!

    Apply now!

    👉 👈

    Make sure to attend the Facebook event for the updates:



    The Mentor's Masterclass is organized by Garage48, NIKA Business Generation and Yep! Moldova, supported by Estonia Development Cooperation.


    Mentor's Masterclass este un training unde ne propunem să dezvoltăm abilitățile experților care pot deveni mentori pentru viitorii start-uperi.

    Temele abordate:

    ⚡️Rolul mentorilor în cadrul unui Start-Up;

    ⚡️Dinamica echipei și Team building

    ⚡️Cum să oferi un feedback constructiv

    ⚡️Validarea ideilor

    Mentor’s Masterclass este organizat de YEP!Moldova & NIKA Business Generation și Garage 48, susținut financiar de Estonia Development Cooperation.

    The workshop will happen in Zoom and Miro. 

    9:00 Introduction
    9:10 Expectations
    9:20 What is the role of a mentor
    9:30 Active listening
    9:40 How to ask good questions
    9:50 Exercise for Active listening and Asking Questions
    10:10 Team dynamics and team building
    10:20 Break
    10:30 Validation of early-stage startups
    Design Thinking
    Lean + Agile
    Business Model Canvas
    Mum test + Value prop
    11:15 Exercise
    11:45 Break
    12:00 How to give good feedback
    12:15 Exercise BMC feedback session exercise
    12:35 Q&A / Yep Moldova presentation/opportunities to get involved
    12:50 Feedback - reflection on the day
    13:00 Closing


    The Mentors 

    Joao Rei
    Garage48 host, business and marketing mentor
    Mayri Tiido
    Educator and Trainer, Circular Economy Expert


    Viorica Cerbusca
    Executive Director at Artcor
    Anna Babushkina
    Junior Project Manager at Garage48