Hack the Crisis

When 13-15 March

Where Online 

  • Overview
  • Agenda
  • Team formation  
  • Jury

    Starting this evening, Accelerate Estonia and Garage48 will host an online hackathon so that Estonia can emerge from the crisis stronger than ever. Now is the prime time to design, test and launch moonshot ideas that will either help tackle the crisis or position Estonia well for the aftermath.

    Accelerate Estonia will sponsor up to 5 ideas with 5K for execution during the state of emergency and the full support of the minister for ICT and Foreign Trade, Mr. Kaimar Karu. 

    We are looking for ideas that:

    • are prototypable in 48 hours and help solve the crisis;
    • give Estonia the edge in the post-crisis words.

    Do not stop at anything. Think of moonshots. Think of stuff that needs different regulations. Think for a few hours and join the hackathon.

    SUBMIT YOUR PROBLEM/IDEA IN GUAANA: https://www.guaana.com/challenge/d2PibqwzsvPqYQ4ED?fbclid=IwAR31mI7xbCZTI8G_T4YLatLv4Fn4hMSI2xRgds8Yo0AodrkVIJsTGCNa0ds

    JOIN THE PUBLIC SLACK: https://join.slack.com/t/hackthecrisis/shared_invite/zt-cleso3f7-HiRf6e72pKGyPqmsOci4Mw

    Juba täna õhtul algab Accelerate Estonia ja Garage48 online häkaton! Oled oodatud liituma, et koos välja töötada, disainida ja testida lahendusi, mis aitavad Eestil kriisist tugevalt väljuda. 

    Accelerate Estonia sponsoreerib hackathoni kuni 5 tugevamat ideed 5000 euroga elluviimiseks eriolukorra ajal. Välismajandus- ja infotehnoloogiaminister Kaimar Karu abistab elluviimisega igal võimalikul moel.

    Me otsime ideid, mis: 
    • on 48 tunni jooksul testitavad ja aitavad kriisiga toime tulla;
    • annavad Eestile konkurentsieelise kriisi-järgseks ajaks.

    Ära hoia end tagasi. Mõtle võimatule. Mõtle asjadele, mis nõuavad muutusi regulatsioonis. Mõtle mõni tund ja liitu hackathoniga!

    ESITA OMA IDEE/PROBLEEM GUAANA LEHEL: https://www.guaana.com/challenge/d2PibqwzsvPqYQ4ED?fbclid=IwAR31mI7xbCZTI8G_T4YLatLv4Fn4hMSI2xRgds8Yo0AodrkVIJsTGCNa0ds

    LIITU AVALIKU SLACK KANALIGA: https://join.slack.com/t/hackthecrisis/shared_invite/zt-cleso3f7-HiRf6e72pKGyPqmsOci4Mw
    Friday, 13th of March 
    15:00 Idea collection starts in Guaana
    15:00 Join the public Slack
    18:00 Kick-off Webinar. Opening remarks by Mr. Kaimar Karu. 
    18:00 Idea collection closed. Register your team to solve a specific problem.
    18:30 We announce the teams on Slack. Work starts.
    18:30 Announcing the mentors and agenda of the hackathon

    Saturday, 14th of March 
    10:00 Checkpoint #1
    17:00 Checkpoint #2

    Sunday, 15th of March
    10:00 Checkpoint #3
    18:00 Final Webinar - pitching of the final products 

    The average team has about 5 to 8 people and the team should be "balanced" - covering all required roles like necessary developers, designers, a project manager/team lead/visionary and marketers in order to get the product/service ready in 48 hours!

    The Mentors 

    Priit Salumaa
    CEO & Founder at Better Medicine
    Mikk Vainik
    Project Lead for Smart Economy at Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications for Estonia
    Marko Russiver
    Co-founder at Guaana
    Andres Kütt
    Former Architect at Estonian Information System's Authority
    Kaidi Ruusalepp
    Founder and CEO at Funderbeam
    Kaarel Kotkas
    Founder and CEO at Veriff
    Ott Velsberg
    Government Chief Data Officer of Estonia
    Laura Kask
    CEO at Proud Engineers
    Ragnar Sass
    Founder and CEO at Salto Network, Co-founder at Pipedrive, Founder at Lift99
    Siim Saare
    Founder at Moonshot Labs; Managing partner at Health Founders
    Marten Kaevats
    National digital advisor The Government Office of Estonia
    Erki Saluveer
    Director at Positium
    Kieren Lovell
    Head of CERT (TalTech) & Incident Response Lecturer (Defence Academy of the UK)
    Märt Aro
     Co-Founder at DreamApply & Nordic EdTech Forum "N8"
    Siim Sikkut
    Government Chief Information Officer (CIO) at Ministry of Economic Affairs and Communications / Member of the Advisory Board of AccelerateEstonia
    Jüri Kaljundi
    Co-founder at Garage48 and Koosloodus Foundation
    Martin Villig
    Co-Founder of Bolt and Garage48
    Alvar Lumberg
    Engineering Lead, Machine Learning and Analytics Platform, Support Tribe at TransferWise
    Jevgeni Kabanov
    CPO at Bọlt
    Pirko Konsa
    Business Advisor at Zubax Robotics
    Calum Cameron
    CEO of DP Innovation Labs and Edasi Labs


    Kai Isand
    Host, mentor and pitch coach at Garage48 
    Merit Vislapu
    Project Manager at Garage48
    Mikk Vainik
    Head of Accelerate Estonia at Accelerate Estonia
    Elis Tootsman
    Communications Manager at Accelerate Estonia 
    Calum Cameron
    Startup Developer at Proud Engineers

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