48 for the Future

When 3-6 December, 2020

Where Globally online

  • Overview
  • Agenda
  • Topics
  • FAQ

     👉http://bit.ly/48forthefuture 👈

    Garage48, U.S. Embassies in Tallinn, Copenhagen, Vilnius and Riga and Startup Wise Guys have gotten together to crush the crisis and build a stronger, more resilient, and trusted post-crisis economy.

    To support that goal, join us in an online global hackathon from December 3 to 6, 2020.


    Hacking the Post-Crisis Economy

    The COVID-19 pandemic has completely altered the world’s economic landscape, changing everything from where people work to how they consume. Communities will put forward real and pressing economic challenges they are facing – and creative problem-solvers around the world will have a chance to team up online over 48 hours to design innovative solutions. Help to build a stronger post-crisis economy and join the 48 for the Future hackathon!


    Garage48 online hackathon includes hands-on expert mentoring, inspiring keynote speakers, checkpoints, demo drills, intense teamwork, creativity, and resourcefulness == all will be key elements in building working prototypes in just 48 hours.

    • Help build economic solutions and resilience.

    • Solve a problem that COVID-19 has created.

    • Play a vital role in the global start-up scene – get noticed and become an influence!

    • Jump on board with your own challenges and participants.

    • Use the marketing opportunities the hackathon synergy creates.

    • Create new and innovative ways for collaboration.


    • Front-end and back-end developers and system engineers;

    • UX/UI designers and product designers;

    • Business developers and visionaries;

    • Marketing gurus;

    • Project managers and team leads;

    • HR enthusiasts;

    • Education specialists;

    • Cyber Security experts;

    • Travel industry experts;

    • Healthcare professionals;

    • Entrepreneurs;

    • Entertainment field experts;

    • Sports enthusiasts.


    IDEA SUBMISSION IS OPEN! Start brainstorming and put your team together. You can register to the hackathon as an individual or a team, with or without an idea until December 1st. 
    If you are signing up as a team, each team member still has to fill in the registration form separately!



    Team formation around ideas is happening in the end of November, you will get an invitation to the matchmaking event after registering to the event. Invitations will be sent out at the latest one week before the matchmaking event.

    In the matchmaking event individuals with an idea can find team members and teams can find additional team members.

    Participants will be selected amongst at least four member teams that have the necessary expertise to build the prototype of their product or service during the hackathon.

    Team formation, ideas submission and validation and all hackathon processes will be happening online - we will guide you through all of it.


    Online matchmaking event will take place on November 28th and 29th. All registered ideas and individuals are invited for a facilitated matchmaking session to pitch and present their ideas to find team members. 
    Check out the Facebook live on November 28th 7PM (GMT+2), about how the hackathon is going to look like and what to expect from the matchmaking sessions! https://tinyurl.com/y6qtfhj8


    Teams selected to enter the competition will be announced on December 2. Teams will receive an e-mail with complete instructions, but get ready for the craziest 48-hour online hacking you have ever seen!


    Best teams will be awarded with follow-up mentoring!

    Make sure to attend the Facebook event for updates and communication with other participants.

    In case you have questions, feel free to write at triin@garage48.org.

    #48forthefuture hackathon agenda 3-6 of December

    NB! Agenda is preliminary and might change. The latest agenda is always here on this website.

    3rd December

    US East Coast

    US West Coast





    Opening session




    Opening words by the partners




    Checkpoint #1




    Teams keep working

    4th December


    Checkpoint #2


    Mentors help teams


    Teams keep working




    Pitch training for participants




    Checkpoint #3




    Teams keep working

    5th December




    Checkpoint #4




    Mentors help teams




    Teams keep working




    Checkpoint #5




    Teams keep working

    6th December




    Deadline to upload the demo




    Keynote from Karin Gert Nielsen on Tourism & Future of Travel




    Keynote from Jens Monard on Cyber security & Future of Work




    Final Webinar - Top demo's




    Jury makes final decision




    Final award and closing ceremony


    • Future of Creating Trusted Networks

    Many people are experiencing anxiety and fear about COVID-19. Misinformation about the disease can add to these feelings and cause more stress. Being armed with accurate information can help to put this extraordinary health situation into perspective and ease worry. Where could a person go for trusted health information on how to recognize, prevent, and manage COVID-19?

    Building, strengthening, and extending trustworthy networks within and between cities and other ecosystems would make us more resilient if a new pandemic or other future crises strike.

    • Future of Education

    When kids study from home, it strains both parents and kids. Not all kids adapt to new teaching methods and not everyone has the same resources to study remotely. While edtech solutions have brought some good ideas into the remote-education world, they rely on technologies that many families do not have access to. When parents have to focus on bringing the daily bread to the table, kids often struggle on their own, which might leave them falling behind, or even worse, dropping out. Not all skills can be taught well online, and even after training the teachers on how to use online tools, the materials and curricula still have to be adjusted to fit online teaching.

    • Future of Work

    It is no longer just the worry of AI killing jobs. The future of work has turned upside down and has gone in a completely new direction, becoming virtual and remote, rather than physical and local. HR departments all around the world must reassess their priorities. Critical skills are no longer synonymous with job roles: prioritizing resilience for the organization is as important as efficiency. Employers have to create new “employee journey maps” for the remote world, provide flexible work options, and rethink experience for a remote or mixed workforce. Training and personal development also require new thinking.

    How will work-life balance shift when both take place at home?

    These are just a few of the emerging issues that the COVID-19 crisis has brought to the foreground.

    • Future of Health

    The healthcare sector is one of the most active adopters of new technology and innovation. However, the road to adoption is far from smooth, with many new developments facing strict regulations, public mistrust, and complex healthcare systems. The pandemic overwhelmed hospitals, but the reaction to the spread of COVID-19 has helped to change perceptions about the value of new health technologies and could accelerate their adoption.

    Ideas and concepts such as telemedicine, open and transparent data sharing systems, and the availability of scientific research for biopharma are in the picture more than ever before.

    Economic recovery will depend heavily on protecting public health.

    • Future of Travel,Tourism & Hospitality

    Travelling has not ceased entirely, but it is different. How can the travel and tourism sectors provide service without putting people at risk? How can we travel without putting ourselves and others at risk?

    Many accommodation and food services are using the crisis to open new online and delivery services or to change their business concepts. What kinds of solutions and opportunities will create a crisis-proof future for those sectors?

    Local tourism seems to be the current rage - how can we make it resilient?

    • Future of Entertainment and Sports

    Perhaps no other sectors have been as devastated by the coronavirus pandemic as those that enrich and entertain us, from culture and the arts to sports and entertainment. Gathering together hundreds or thousands of people is now more complicated, and many venues for these activities have been closed. How will we enjoy concerts and football games in the future without putting our health at risk? Will the artist starve or find new digital ways to continue entertaining us?

    • Future of SMEs

    Young small and medium-size enterprises (SMEs) are the lifeblood of employment growth. In the United States, 78 percent of net employment growth between 2013 and 2018 was generated by companies less than five years old. Unfortunately, the crisis has meant that SMEs have fewer cash reserves to maintain employee salaries and have more trouble navigating and accessing channels of aid. How to support community businesses and rural SMEs? How could this segment benefit from digitalisation to keep offering their valuable services and products?

    • Your Idea

    Any ideas you feel would boost the post-COVID economy, but can’t quite fit into

    the above-mentioned categories!

    I am new to a hackathon. How does it work?

    Garage48 hackathon is a bulletproof 48-hour format, where ideas get built into prototypes with teamwork and mentoring support. The organizing team guides you through all the steps of the hackathon from idea submission to mentoring and final presentations to the jury for selecting winners.

    Best ideas to enter the competition will be selected. Garage48 team will send a letter to all the chosen teams with complete instructions on how the hackathon process will look like. We will let everyone know about the results, even if their ideas didn't make it to the hackathon. :)

    Follow sign up and idea submission:


    What kind of ideas are expected?

    We’re welcoming all ideas aimed to boost and strengthen the post-crisis economy. We are hoping to see lots of good ideas to shape the future of health, education, work, travel, tourism, entertainment, sports, global trusted networks and SMEs.

    The intent of this hackathon is to develop ideas that are “prototypeable” in 48-hours.

    Can I join if I’m not a developer, UX/UI designer or an engineer?

    YES! Only with visionaries and idea owners and experts from all the various fields can we truly boost the post-crisis situation. Whether you come from healthcare, education, tourism industry or any other field - we need your ideas and your expertise!

    Where can I submit my idea?
    This link should be able to walk you through: http://bit.ly/48forthefuture 

    Can I submit several ideas?

    We strongly suggest you to choose one idea and prepare your idea submission and team as thoroughly as possible - do research, talk to people, involve additional experts to your team and make a plan for what you’re gonna build in the 48 hours.

    What are the rules for team submission?

    You can register for the hackathon as an individual or as a team, with or without an idea. But if you are signing up as a team, each team member still has to fill in the registration form separately! 

    The minimum number of the participants in the team is 3. The maximum number of the team members is 10. While we let you sign up your idea as an individual participant, if your idea gets chosen, you have to put together a team before being able to compete at the hackathon.

    The rules to submit the team are following:

    Each team should consist of:

    - idea owner who will take the role of the team lead (coordinating, project management)

    - developers

    - designer (UX/UI)

    - an engineer, if an idea execution requires it (optional)

    After you submit your team and your idea, the selected members of the jury and mentors will go over each application one by one. We will choose the best ideas that will enter the competition.

    What if I’m missing a needed team member (eg developer or designer) for my idea submission?

    We can’t stop you from submitting your idea and team with as many team members as you have. Saying that - we strongly advise you to put your and your team’s network to work and find the missing skill-set and expertise. This will greatly improve the chances of your idea getting selected!

    While we let you sign up your idea as an individual participant, if your idea gets chosen, you have to put together a team before being able to compete at the hackathon.

    How does team formation happen if I’m applying as a solo participant and my idea gets chosen?

    If you are a solo applicant at the time of the idea submission, start working on gathering a team with needed expertise to build your idea into a prototype. Put your own, your friends & family, colleagues networks to use to gather your team. We will also have an online matchmaking event where individuals can meet the teams and idea owners meet team members.

    What are the evaluation criteria for my idea?
    We will check and see whether:

    - the proposed problem matches with the topic is serious enough; and if not solved, could have a wide impact.

    - the description of the solution is clear and solves the problem well.

    - the team is formed and includes all required skills.

    If my idea doesn’t get chosen, will I be able to join a selected team?

    Yes, you can join the team during a matchmaking event. Also we will do some matchmaking with individual participants and different teams that are looking for extra people and specific skills in Slack.

    What kind of tools will I need to use at the hackathon?

    The main communication channel of the hackathon will be Slack. All the selected teams are invited to join the #48fortheFuture Slack group couple of days prior the online hackathon begins. We recommend downloading the Slack app to both - to your smartphones and computers and allow the notifications. Slack will be the place for important hackathon workflow announcements, the place for communication with your team and a good way to connect with the mentors.

    Download Slack for your

    Second important tool will be Zoom. We will run the webinars and checkpoints via Zoom and share the links with you over Slack.

    Download Zoom for your

    The Mentors 

    Joao Rei
    Garage48 host, business and marketing mentor
    Stine Mølgaard Sørensen
    Co-founder & COO Radiobotics
    Amy Reichert
    Economic Officer, U.S. Embassy Vilnius
    Andrea Lindgren
    Economic Officer, U.S. Embassy Tallinn
    Erika Mork
    Principal Consultant, Civic Sector Development at Uncommon Good
    Jason Hutchison
    Strategy, National Security, and Foreign Policy Expert
    Megan Riley
    Leadership and Business Development Advisor
    Nick Malbraaten
    Lead Software Engineer at Vanco
    Sabita Manian
    Professor of International Relations & Associate Dean Arts & Sciences
    Ted Massey
    Political Officer; Expert on US Foreign Policy
    David Richards
    Chair International Relations and Security Studies, University of Lynchburg
    Deborah Hutchison
    International Development Expert
    Lisa Mallner
    AI Investment Manager at Copenhagen Capacity
    Thor Ellegaard
    Global EdTech Mentor
    Alvar Soosaar
    Dir. of US Investment and Trade, MFA Estonia
    Birgit Lao
    Education innovation and leadership
    Miquela Burke
    Information Resource & Education Specialist
    Annely Tank
    Education and WOW customer experience enthusiast; Deputy Head of Work in Estonia
    Katharina Skolimowski
    Interface Designer
    Fabrice Charles
    Employee Success Manager
    Angie Eilers
    CEO and Founder at UR TURN
    Zivile Einikyte
    Marketing and Communication Professional
    Angelo Burgarello
    Director of Business Development at AI Startup Incubator
    Kristo Reinsalu
    General Manager at Estonian Aviation Cluster
    Lana Ugrcic
    Head of Student Business Incubator at University of Split
    Amandeep Midha
    Principal IT Consultant
    Raido Lember
    Business Development Manager at Estonian Investment Agency
    Kjersti Martino
    Director of Product Management at Inneos
    Shahin Katebi
    Senior Software Engineer at Malwarebytes, Co-founder at Beam It! Logistics
    Sohail Taraky
    Founder/CEO at Active Advertisement Services 
    Asta Vasiliauskaite
    Growth Marketing Manager @ Bob W
    David Parker
    Infectious Diseases Epidemiologist
    Beatriz Botão
    UX/UI Designer
    Mihkel Rembel
    Expert in Sales
    Brett Makens
    U.S. Regional Science and Technology Diplomat
    Rostislav Roznoshchik
    RR - Researcher, Designer, Entrepreneur
    Guillaume Blaquiere
    Scrum master & Lead Cloud Architect
    Juan Herrera
    Google Developer Expert for Angular and Web Technologies
    Uday Kumar
    Product Strategist
    Rising Odegua
    Data Scientist and Machine Learning Engineer
    Kuma Arakawa
    Technology Advisor
    Juarez Filho
    Google Developer Expert
    Dan Goncharov
    Google Developer Expert in ML & Head of 42 AI and Robotics lab
    Rivu Chakraborty
    Android Architect
    Dharmesh Vaya
    Google Developer Expert
    Vikram Tiwari
    Co-founder, Tech at Omni Labs
    Aayush Arora
    Founder at FilterPixel & Google Developer Expert 
    Mohammed Buallay
    Machine Learning Expert
    Ahmad Awais
    Google Dev Expert
    Yogesh Kulkarni
    Google Developer Expert (Machine Learning)
    Himanshu Singh
    Android Engineer
    Eric Bhatti
    VP Engineering at Sastaticket.pk
    Michael Dorka
    User Research and Design Mentor
    Mustafa Ali
    Mobile and Payments Expert
    Marton Kodok
    Google Developer Expert on Cloud, Software Architect at REEA.net
    Kristina Simakova
    Independent Consultant
    Sergii Khomenko
    Building products with Data and ML
    Aivar Ruukel
    Nature Guide and Founder of soomaa.com
    Rayan Al Zahab
    Founder of BambooGeeks, GDE
    Esta Rahno
    IT Project Manager & Development Manager of Estonian Tourism Infosystem
    Monika Karu
    Development Manager at VisitEstonia
    Liina Maria Lepik
    Director of Estonian Tourist Board
    Imbi Lepik-Martinson
    Quality System Coordinator 
    Serdar Yucel
    C-level Executive, Partner, Coach and Mentor to international companies
    Yasser El Kabbout
    Tech Lead at TalentScript
    Rui Costa
    Helping rethink business & Building solutions for Digital Era
    Jeremy Glassenberg
    API Product Leader, G Suite & Google Pay GDE
    Ruqiya Bin Safi
    Google Developer Expert in Machine Learning, Women Techmakers Ambassador, Software Engineer
    Vin Lim
    Google Developer Expert
    Maido Parv
    Senior Product Designer at Wise
    Peter Langmar
    Tech Executive, Entrepreneur and Investor
    Oleksandr Zakharchuk
    CTO at Justpoint
    Irina Sergeeva
    Chief Marketing Officer at Sber Design School; Mentor at Google for Startups
    Ivana Sediva
    Business Mentor at StartupYard; Google For Startups Mentor
    Pavlína Louženská
    Google for Startups Mentor; Founder and CEO at #HolkyzMarketingu
    Michaela Kuliskova
    Data Scientist
    David Clark
    Founder Tallon OÜ | Venture Partner at Tera VC I Entrepreneur & Angel Investor
    Vanessa Vorteil
    EU CodeWeek Ambassador to Estonia, Start-up Education Developer, ICT-analyst


    Triin Preem
    Project Manager at Garage48
    Nilay Rammul 
    Marketing Manager at Garage48
    Anna Babushkina
    Junior Project Manager at Garage48

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