The Progress Of Teams Based On 1st & 2nd Checkpoint

Today at 10 am, on a snowy Saturday morning, was held the first checkpoint of Garage48 Enable Tallinn 2014. The team leaders had to present their teams progress. As it was passed just 12 hours since the teams were formed, not much was done that could be shown, but those hours weren't wasted.

At the second checkpoint we could already see some real demos of the working prototypes! Only 18 hours to go, but there seems no stopping. That's the spirit! Screw it, let's do it! 

Extra leg

Idea: to create system of connected sensors, which will tell to the disabled person(visually impaired) whether the door/window is open, lights are on or off etc. Platform: wireless sensors for communicating with each other.

29.11 morning

Can be demonstrated, team is set up. Needs help in marketing. FB page created.

29.11 evening

Team has a working system. Central hub knows, which sensors are connected to it, and it can notify with voice, in which state certain sensors are. Tomorrow will be presentation of the system, the team has an FB page and twitter running.

A platform, that allows users (parents) to add pictures of everyday objects or emotions with audio description, so their children can learn more easily. The platform helps children with autism learn to communicate, not available at the moment.

29.11 morning

Clear how the app will be used and will look like. Its been decided, how the data will be added. By Sunday, the app will be ready, everybody will be available to download and use it. Needs feedback.

29.11 evening

Team has a running interface, where child can go in and it works, click picture and hear sound. User can take picture, record descriptive audio, but the 2 user groups of interfaces are not connected. The team is planning to test on community with autism or speech defects


Idea: a map that shows places in a region, that can make the difficult moving around the city more accessible. Or it can show places, that are adapted for people with disabilities. Similar map is already created, but it is outdated and it’s quite hard to use. Enablefy map could be crowdsourced and built

up on existing map like Google maps.

29.11 morning

By Sunday the project will be down on paper, prototype and at least one user, which needs guidance. Website and FB page is in place, needs designer.

29.11 evening

One of the most common problem for disabled person is to find suitable parking space. So the team wants to help people find a specialized parking space. Enablefy has created an app, which allows user to insert a certain location and the app shows the nearest parking lots for disabled people in the area. It also shows route from current location to the desired parking lot. Team wants to finish website by tonight, needs designer.


Idea: App that allows disabled person to send out requests to volunteers and other people, who are willing to help. Like social network that can connect disable people with volunteers.

29.11 morning

Developer, LAMP, FB log, FB page created. On Sunday website will be ready, where you can log in using social media. Doesn't have designer and needs marketing help.

29.11 evening

Project has already 300 FB followers. They are planning to get something online tomorrow morning.They also already have a simple social network, developers working on it, but it is already created.

Innovative Guitar System

Make guitarists’ life easier, especially to disabled people, Stumpbox, which is used by guitar players, has lots of buttons and switchers, which are hard to handle, especially while live-performing. Idea is to create one controller, that controls all connected stump box. Needs finishing prototype.

29.11 morning

Goal to work with 2 stomp boxes, connected, developing hardware and software, 1 pedal is not working, no help needed.

29.11 evening

Have added a touch screen to the device. They are working on the protoype that will be shown tomorrow.

Disabled friendly

Idea: Create an app/platform, where disabled people can share their experiences about places. Or location owners can write about the assistive technology, which are adapted for people with special needs. Platform, where disabled people can write reviews and people can decide, whether they need somebody help to get there or not. It's like Foursquare for disabled people.

29.11 morning

Developing system, where users can look up places, no help needed. App will be focused on Tallinn. Needs place, wants to reach up to community, created FB page.

29.11 evening

Created mobile apps (Android, iOS), which can find nearest locations. App starts with map view/ list view, so it’s easy to learn, how to use. On the first time asks what kind of disability the user has, so later when seeing the results, ratings and reviews are shown based on users disability. Ratings and comments of the location will be shown tomorrow. Problem: it’s missing some functions.

Braille Pad - Get Brailling

Idea: attach braille keyboard to mobile device, at moment is connected to USB. Idea is to make more space on the screen while texting. Goal: to build a software that will replace the on-screen keyboard with 3 key keyboard. For the blind its an extension to use mobile device and for with people with sight is to make more space on the screen while typing. It’s meant to be used with both hands.

29.11 morning

Priority branding and social marketing, Making usable, needs backspace, enters, needs manuals, need user feedback. No problems. Focus is set, tasks are shared, decided to be open-source.

29.11 evening

Yesterday braille pad 1.0 was presented. Now we have braille pad 2.0. New version allows to write all alphabetical letters, spacebar and enter. Some functionality was demonstrated today, the letter “R” was typed to showcase it. Tomorrow will be added more functions, arrow keys, numbers, punctuation etc. Team has created website, fb-page, Instagram profile.


interactive Assistive technology assessment tool. Tool can be used by social workers, therapists. Tool for therapists, therapists can easily mark and analyse the injury and can give correct help for the patient.

29.11 morning

Working on how to implement system into Estonian healthcare, to make sure it can be uploaded to patients, some data is already moving. MVP - someone who have needs, specialists can find tools to help a patient. Needs designer.

29.11 evening

Team has found out that their creation has more potential than they thought. Project has already first client. 1 part of the tool maps disability, which can be used on its own by therapists. Team is working on the system how to find the right devices for patients.


For deaf, for getting translator interpreter, create an app, where u can register and write all needed data. Next time you open an app, you choose date and place you need an interpreter and you can order an interpreter through mobile app, but it might work as a web app.

29.11 morning

Needs help, wants to create an app to order interpreter, but needs team, engineers, have 3 people on team, but needs more technology side. 

29.11 evening

User can register through mobile device, an application to order interpreter through phone has been created. At the moment, it’s possible to send requests from mobile phone to the computer,  database has been created. Needs a demo.

Accessibility Monitor/Enabled Web

Idea: Service that keeps analysing websites for accessibility, for sites which are being developed or are already created. Service will download the website and analyse the project, and it sends reports of problems with accessibility.

29.11 morning

On Sunday they present a community that gives feedback, community tools, commune-based app. Community part is in development. Needs front-end developer.

29.11 evening

Team has found a community, who is ready to use it. They contacted a company, that might be interested in sponsoring the project. Homepage has been created, rating system already exists, but it’s not connected.

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