The Ideas Pitched on Friday at Garage48 Enable Tallinn 2014

 An impressive 24 ideas were pitched on the stage at the cozy hall at the TTÜ Tudengimaja on Friday evening. The entire room was packed with creativity, ideas and mind-blowing can-do attitude. Though not all ideas were accepted, as it happens due to demand, they all deserve a huge applause and attention. We encourage these ideas to still find a way to make them happen and we invite all the visionaries back next year!  The teams that were lucky to have formed teams are currently in full-work mode and are ready to win the Garage48 Enable hackathon! Good luck to all the 10 teams and we are eager to see the final prototypes! 

1. Text-speech

A text-to-speech device that would enable to speak in Estonian, for the iOS platform. Currently there are only some web-based apps, but I would need a native app, as for web-based apps there needs to be fast Internet connection and I have to sign in each time manually. 

2. Streetpeep

A mobile app that would help the blind when it's safe to cross the road based on the information coming from a camera.

3. Extra leg

A solution for blind people, that communicates with the user through a wireless sensor if for example the door is open or light is on. 

4. Language learning program

A flexible Android app, that enable users to make their own learning program, no strings attached. Put anything on a program! 

5. Autime

A web app for autistic people as they need assistance in social situations. The app shows users sentences that can be shown to people, so they can interact. 

6. Smile me

For children with autism, to help them to learn to communicate. Parent is able to record their voice, so that the bond will grow stronger. Could be used in every situation to interact. Everything will be stored in the cloud.

7. ReMove (Enablefy)

An app with a map for enabling accessible movement in cities for the people in wheelchairs. Could be used as crowdsourced and be built up on existing map like google maps.

8. Helpify

An app that allows disabled to send out requests to volunteers and other people who are willing to help. It is a simple solution, that can work like a social network that connects disable people with volunteers.

9. Innovative Guitar Systems

To make guitar playing easier, especially for the disabled people. The idea is to create one controller and sound that is regulated by it. 

10. My Rescue

A mobile app that makes fire safety demands understandable. The platform enables users to enter a profile which will send information to make houses safe. Add more alerts and reminders for users. 

11. LPKI

To enable people with disabilities to move around more easier. The app would find a more accessible road for the physically impaired.  

12. Disabled Friendly

Disabled can’t get information about new places and it it is reachable for them. A place where disabled people can share their experiences about places. It's like Foursquare for disabled people.

13. Artifical Eyes Prototype

A system to tell the blind where the object is and an object detection system for closed rooms. Camera scans area and speaker will guide user to certain places, like chair, table etc. Idea to be built on Kinect.

14. Ciceronio

An equal experience for travelling network. Guided tours for people with disabilities. To bring together people who are willing to help people with special needs. 

15. Braille Pad

Idea to attach braille keyboard to mobile device as at the moment they are connected to USB. The idea is to make more space on the screen while texting. Goal: software, to replace the on-screen keyboard with 3 key keyboard. The target audience is the visually impaired and for people with sight, for blind its an extension to use mobile device.

16. ATAT

An interactive Assistive technology assessment tool. Tool can be used by social workers, therapists that will gather the patients medical history and their injuries to give better help.

17. T-Teenus

A web app for the deaf for getting translator interpreters. The user can register and write all the needed data. Next time you open an app, you choose the date and place when you need an interpreter and then you can order an interpreter through mobile app.

18. My contracts

We have all contracts on papers and in e-form, which can be lost. Idea is to create a platform, where contracts and all receipts, and documents can be stored forever and easily available.

19. Accessibility Monitor

A tool for developers that keeps analysing websites for accessibility and for sites that are being developed or are already created. The service will download the website and analyses the project, and it sends reports of problems with accessibility.

20. No Hands Smartphone 

Everybody uses smartphones but people with no hands need to put their hand to the pocket to get the phone,as with head-sets the user also needs to push a button. The idea is to build an Android app that recognises that somebody is calling and to reinvent how we make calls!

21. Copywriter Service

A platform for copywriters to compete with each other to get paid and to bring copywriters together.

22. Digi-riigikogu

A platform, where people can vote with ID-card when new laws are being passed and then to have someone at the Parliament to represent the people.

23. BabyBuzz 

To create an app for deaf parents, so that they can hear when their baby cries. To identify each and one baby’s cry in the public, as currently there are no apps like this currently. The app should recognise each baby's cry individually. 

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