Garage48 is looking for a full-time Project Manager!

The job is perfect for you if..

1. Startups and innovative ideas have always wow'd you. 
2. Bullet points are included in 95% of the emails you send. You’ll find a reason to incorporate them even if they aren’t necessary. 
3. 'To do' lists excite you.
4. You know that if you don't physically escort people into meetings, they will somehow get lost on the way. 
5. Your resume is so cliché and includes words like "detail oriented", "pro-active", "team player", and "problem solver"… But you really are those things, so they stay on your resume anyway. 
6. You really, really appreciate nice clients, colleagues & partners. 
7. You are more efficient working on 4 projects at one time, than concentrating on just 1. 
8. You have at least one breakthrough project where you felt like you actually chose the right career path in life. (Don’t get used to it. Tomorrow is a new day.)  
9. You've always believed that correct documentation  and good budgeting skills are one of the main characteristics you need when leading a project.
10. You're excellent in English & Estonian and when someone says "Privet, kak dela?" you know more than three different ways to reply.
11. You have a skill to communicate with state insitutions and you know that "bureaucracy" isn't just a word to scare small children- it's something that's there to help you.

You thought "yup, that's me" for most of the points above plus you have a previous working experience in the IT-sector? We can't believe it.. are you a unicorn?

 To apply please send your CV, salary expectation and motivational letter to 
Deadline Feb 14, 2016
 The job is full-time and is based in Tallinn, Estonia    

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