Garage48 hacking Gamification & Entertainment in Tbilisi!

With the great help from the Estonian Development Cooperation we are happy to be back in Georgia! Together with our local partner Impact HUB Tbilisi, we are running a hackathon on gamification and entertainment this weekend. 99 participants showed up on Friday, 22 ideas were pitched and 16 teams gathered a team to reach the goal in the next 48 hours - to build a working prototype.

Here are the all the ideas pitched on Friday:

Teams that got accepted to the competition: 

1. Profession Detector
Help to find profession of users passion. Youngsters have the issue of "Who I want to be in the future" and cant figure it out. Creating a website that finds suitable profession for its users. Information etc about different professions. Monetisation = ads; online courses.

2. Georgian Hero
Application which offers one time simple jobs. Gamification involves questing etc.. Monetisation = Comission

Shows live location of transit busses and with cameras in the buses show the capacity of the bus. Also includes esimations of arrivals.

Platform that offers creating challenges between people and allows registering of prizes

5. Maika
Offering mass custom T-shirt designs(?)Easily change design of t-shirts. 1 t-shirt multiple multiple designs. Customisable t-shirt

6. IKosco
Personal branding for individuals focusing on an individuals professional background.

7. HistArea
Develop an app that will help people discover local places. Even people who have lived here don't know the beauties the city will hold. Gamification applies through creating an adventure for people who discover the places + points etc for uploading places and visiting them.

8. Outgoers
Eventhub that allows to browse events. their "Thing" is the "Random" button.

9. JunkBox
Application that shows the playlist of a bar and where users can vote songs to be added to the playlist. Request + vote on existing songs

10. Clap
Basically a ticket exchange platform where people can host events on the platform. Tegelt ikkagi eventbrite

11. Nikalost
Find lost items using hardware like cipolo. Finding lost items through computer vision when someone else finds the object OR items having ID on them and whoever finds them gets the profile of the person who owned it.

12. DriveCity
Race against other users that require everyone to follow all of the traffic rules.

13. Random Decisions
People get together and they dont know what to do the app says what to do :) Crux is about random decisionness.

14. Smartcity
Make the city smarter by helping tourists and people in general get more information about landmarks, museums etc. QR Code based videos. Non-profit.

15. Lar
Augmented Reality for entertainment. 

16. Atina
E-recipe, healthcare. 

Other ideas pitched: 

17. Musicwolf
Music files on a cloud? Piraserver. Protects your music from an attack. Server in house that can be streamed to any device .

18. Smart Mirror
Create a full length mirror, with a touch screen, which will enable customers to select interactive and augmented reality animations and objects, games and have fun.

19. Knowledge HB
Book platform that brings books together into 1 platform. Online book cloud. Like Khan academy but is not popular in georgia. Basically still Khan academy for georgia.

20. 5BX
Fitness application for simple 5 excercises 11 minutes per day. Application that implements the 5BX idea.

21. Rabbitoili
Game with changing elements. Fast paced game like doom.

22. Energy Toy
Phone Battery - Toy which produced energy to recharge your phone. Mechanism is about energy producer inside the toy. Battery bank on steroids that recharges itself.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram  and don't forget to follow the LIVE STREAM tomorrow at 6pm GMT+4. to support the teams!

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